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15 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained!
We all like to throw on a deerstalker, from time-to-time, and try to catch the greatest mysteries in the world. But sometimes not even the combined efforts of Bruce …
15 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained!
In this video
We all like to throw on a deerstalker, from time-to-time, and try to catch the greatest mysteries in the world. But sometimes not even the combined efforts of Bruce …
The guy scratching his arm has the WORST case of "Ringworm' I've ever seen..
.The "dancing disease' is an example of 'ERGOTISM' .
.It's a result of making bread from contaminated RYE flour by the mold ERGOT… that produces a chemical similar to L.S.D.
The dancing plague reminds me of the hysteria involved in Salem witch trials. Either wittchery or some lucid plants.
The Voynich manuscript has been decoded and you can look it up on here(youtube)
මෙම සිදුවීම් දුටු කිහිප දෙනෙකුටමළ සිරුරු තිබී ඇති බව පැහැදිලිය
At 16:08 he says it came from the constellation Sagittarius but that's the symbol for Leo…. I'm just curious is it that hard to get a gif of the right symbol for the constellation