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9 Mysterious Videos That Cannot Be Explained

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From a Mexican witch, to a violent Ghost, join us… WATCH MORE DARK MATTER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k_r1Ypiw4w&t=11s #MYSTERIOUS …

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Treydawg S
Treydawg S

It's always those people who still have a razor flip phone that capture this kind of users. If you have a galaxy or I I phone forget about it your never gonna see anything scary the quality is so good it just doesn't even see it

John Ryan
John Ryan

Kurt cobains killehad someone locked in his trailerr

BigCat LittleDog
BigCat LittleDog

Things that can not be explained: Starving families in 3rd world countries. No food, but millions in vaccines show up instead. Booga booga!

lazyman 24
lazyman 24

Mmh, the Bible keeps saying to keep looking and you will find your answer 🤔 will we find the secret of humanity.

Kaman Kankai
Kaman Kankai

First of all, if you made up a story behind the picture, like with the first one, you loose all trust immidietly. Second… what is so strange about "frozen" planes? Planes do not need to move to stay in the air. They need an air flow. Easy way to make one is to go throu the air, but if air is moving on it's own, plane can slow down as much as it wants. And YES, banner "reflect" exactly that. Srange, isn't it? If you say something it does not make it true if people can see the opposite on… Read more »


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