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Possible mass grave from 1921 Tulsa race riot found: 'For decades it was hush hush'
Possible mass grave from 1921 Tulsa race riot found: ‘For decades it was hush hush’
Possible mass grave from 1921 Tulsa race riot found: 'For decades it was hush hush'
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Possible mass grave from 1921 Tulsa race riot found: ‘For decades it was hush hush’
Please all people need to know America’s True History DIG UP ALL POTENTIAL MASSACRE SITES IN TULSA
They know exactly where the mass graves are!!
So let’s also re-open the OJ trial.
May them devil's rot in hell that did this.
Race Massacre, not race riot. It wasn't two-sided. It was a group of people (white people) going into a town and massacring.