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The scene on Brookside as police release tear gas, pepper balls
Tulsa Police used tear gas to disperse crowds during rallies on Sunday night. Highlights from Tulsa World Facebook Live video.
The scene on Brookside as police release tear gas, pepper balls
In this video
Tulsa Police used tear gas to disperse crowds during rallies on Sunday night. Highlights from Tulsa World Facebook Live video.
Hahaha. Serves you right. Maybe you shouldn't destroy the property of innocent people.
Oh and don't saturate the emergency departments because you got pepper sprayed for being somewhere you shouldn't have been. You will be seen last. Soap and water and go home.
FUN FACT Tear gas is a war crime
Funny how trump hides in the white house with the lights off and he's calling governors week over Twitter if thay dont annihilate our voices.
Hes so quick to shut us up cuz he doesn't want to listen nor does he care about us peasants. The system is rigged, thay dont care how many people die or gets hurt as long as they get to live comfy.