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The real story of Rosa Parks — and why we need to confront myths about black history | David Ikard
Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Black history taught in US …
The real story of Rosa Parks — and why we need to confront myths about black history | David Ikard
In this video
Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. Black history taught in US …
I think it’s pretty bad that here I am, also 42, just now finding this out!
I’m proud to have been raised amongst a predominantly black community where I was taught the truth of the civil rights movement and about how the unjust suffering of blacks in the USA. There were too many times where I had to correct my white history teacher about the BS that whites propagate until these day! It’s sad and it pisses me off! The black community deserve reparations!
The American education system is very tailored towards a certain narrative. We were taught in school extensively the horrors of the Nazis during WWII and the genocide and atrocities they committed. But most people don't know that eugenics was happening in the U.S. before Hitler did it in Germany. Just Google Buck v Bell which is an infamous supreme court case in which the court ruled in favor of forcefully sterilizing a young woman deemed unfit to reproduce. That court case was then used to justify the forceful sterilization of ~70,000 other Americans with mental and physical disabilities. I know… Read more »
I think black people are repugnant.
Whaaaat? Most teachers suck at what they do? Listen, a teachers is someone who actually DOES what he is teaching. Don't get an teacher in IT that doesn't work on IT projects. Don't get a techer in finances who doesn't invest. Those are not teachers, they are instructors, and they mostly don't know more or even everything that is inside of one book