[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=TeYL0HCCMkM&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
Clusterview’s artist of the day is King Daweed Scars and Stripes.
Clusterview’s artist of the day is King Daweed Scars and Stripes. A rock band that gives you some of that Prince Nostalgia but offers something else, something modern. The front man is a fantastic outspoken and musically gifted individual who raps and sings like an angel. I give you King Daweed and Scars and Stripes […]
Clusterview’s artist of the day is King Daweed Scars and Stripes.
Clusterview’s artist of the day is King Daweed Scars and Stripes. A rock band that gives you some of that Prince Nostalgia but offers something else, something modern. The front man is a fantastic outspoken and musically gifted individual who raps and sings like an angel. I give you King Daweed and Scars and Stripes my brothers and sisters of the world.