[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=2ESD7-aPzqk&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
Actors Who Got Greedy, Then Got Fired “apparently”.
An interesting video about actors who chose to renegotiate their salaries and hit a road block. Are they greedy or not?
Actors Who Got Greedy, Then Got Fired “apparently”.
An interesting video about actors who chose to renegotiate their salaries and hit a road block. Are they greedy or not?
Loved watching this video. It ain’t easy out there even if you’re a star 🤪
Yes, i remember the true story about Terrance Howard getting Robert Downing Jr. the roll as Iron Man.