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Haroon Baig – It Takes A Village
Having suffered from depression during the prolonged covid-19 and lockdown period which impacted so many people, Haroon took it upon himself to do something that would ultimately get him out the house whilst being of benefit to others. Thankfully, his good friend Mohammed pointed him in the right direction and he signed upto the Gaza […]
Haroon Baig – It Takes A Village
Having suffered from depression during the prolonged covid-19 and lockdown period which impacted so many people, Haroon took it upon himself to do something that would ultimately get him out the house whilst being of benefit to others. Thankfully, his good friend Mohammed pointed him in the right direction and he signed upto the Gaza winter walk being held in Hyde Park on the 26th Feb. Coincidentally, the event took place on the day his father died 51 years prior. An incredible story where we see Haroon’s deep love for family and to make a profound difference. Clusterview’s, It Takes A Village, presents Haroon Baig’s Gaza Winter walk. Enjoy!
For support with mental health issues, visit mind.org.uk