[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=PqEmYU8Y_rI&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
Why we might be alone in the Universe
There are trillions upon trillions of stars and worlds in our Universe. Faced with such large numbers, it’s tempting to conclude that there must surely be other life out there, somewhere. But is this right? Could the probability of life beginning be a number so small that we are alone? A video essay by Professor […]
Why we might be alone in the Universe
There are trillions upon trillions of stars and worlds in our Universe. Faced with such large numbers, it’s tempting to conclude that there must surely be other life out there, somewhere. But is this right? Could the probability of life beginning be a number so small that we are alone? A video essay by Professor David Kipping.
I can believe that we are very much alone. It seems too strange that we already have aliens here and they are hiding from us. The stuff of fiction basically.
Hahah yes, its a scary thought eitherway and a realisation that all life is extremely rare and precious!!
@Termite termite I don’t think Aliens would like human beings 🙁
Couldn’t agree more. We are a failed destructive species 😕