LIGHTAUTO NEXT [fvplayer src=""] Are Fast Radio Bursts Signs of Intelligent Life? Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS How Red Dwarf Stars Could Support Life Featuring Christian Ready The Universe's Endgame with Christian Ready Does Most Life Exist In Ice Shell Moons Like Europa? Featuring David Kipping From Galileo to Isaac Newton Featuring Paul Sutter Where is Planet 9? with Dr. Konstantin Batygin Is 'Oumuamua a Light Sail? Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb Do We Live In A Multiverse? Featuring Brian Keating Does Planet Nine Exist? Featuring Dr. Konstantin Batygin The Mysterious Interstellar Object Oumuamua With Harvard's Dr. Avi Loeb Are Solar Flares Dangerous? Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb Are Fast Radio Bursts Signs of Intelligent Life? Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb Termite Login Require Subscribe Subscribed 11 3642 videos By Termite In this video 0 0 votes Rating Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Please login to comment 10 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments lawrence hunter Just showed population lights over Australia 13:11 in central continent where there is no people.. lol Robert Ritchie Good to know when I am on Mars my normal cell phone can call home. Ray B FRB's are coming from x37b and also the Galactic GPS system. Freddy Krueger Wow, Event Horizon has got all the top guys in astronomy on his channel. David Mayhew What about gamma ray bursts? « Previous 1 2 Advertisement
Just showed population lights over Australia 13:11 in central continent where there is no people.. lol
Good to know when I am on Mars my normal cell phone can call home.
FRB's are coming from x37b and also the Galactic GPS system.
Wow, Event Horizon has got all the top guys in astronomy on his channel.
What about gamma ray bursts?