The Real woman
Take ownership of your body.😀
What ever your size, large or small
We have fat.
We are slim.
We have stretch marks.
we have cellulite.
We have curves .
We are different skin tones.
But best of all we are real😆😆😆We have taken charge of our
figure for the first time in fashion history .Even though we seem to be taking charge of our own body shape
we still have stiff opposition .First the lollipop look then fast on its heels we have the barbie look!! unfortunately barbie’s still changing .
Barbie has lost some ribs,
Her breast have ballooned
and her Bottom has also grown and is still growing 😆😆😆
and she now has bigger lips than ever..There s nothing wrong with looking like barbie if that floats your boat .
No one will ever be perfect!!!!!
Be happy with you ❤️