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Africa to America: The Odyssey of Slavery

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On Aug. 22, the Voice of America and Norfolk State University hosted an international town hall to discuss the 400th anniversary of the first Africans’ landing in …

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Saraha Raha TV
Saraha Raha TV

Both Africans from homeland and Africans in the americas NEED to talk and connect for the greater good of our people!

Todd Maek
Todd Maek

The first enslaved African revolt in what would be the US was in 1526.

Todd Maek
Todd Maek

Anthony Johnson is NOTHING to be celebrating.

Todd Maek
Todd Maek

Bruh, Haitians are connected to the reparations discussion IN HAITI, not in the US. Two different things. Also, when the lady said "we cant find the descendants, AFRICAN AMERICANS are the Descendants"!! This is correct however that is an IMPORTANT note, because everybody black in america is being called an "African American", but not everybody black is an African American, meaning an ETHNIC AFRICAN AMERICAN, (not a political African American). Barack Obama, Joy Reid, Colin Powell, Candace Owens, Kamala Harris etc are NOT Descendants of the slaves IN America, and therefore arent African Americans


The Portuguese, in the 16th century, were the first to engage in the Atlantic slave trade. In 1526, they completed the first transatlantic slave voyage to Brazil, and other Europeans soon followed.


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