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African American Professor shares shocking black history you never knew
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African American Professor shares shocking black history you never knew
In this video
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Because it's white, don't forget privilege,
Strong facts, they would make the men have sex with them, and if they would refuse, they threaten them with telling there husband they tried to rape them, you know what that means GET THE WHIP,THERE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH NOTHING, MY FAITH IS STRONG.
I never knew the true extent of becky"s involvement of slavery i never have trust her coming from where I'm from originally Ouachita Parish,West Monroe La. I-20 one of the most racist city in all of America. I have always known how truly wicked white 'S are which proved to be a blessing in disguise and caused me to research continually. Who arranged this unjust system of white supremacy and fragility.
Professor wiggly
Why have we gotta build up a case and all those who got reparations didn't have to? Talk to me people.