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African Origins of Christianity by Rev. K. Price

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low sistem
low sistem

This is not the first we have heard this. Year ago, the muslim said it that black were the one as this pastor has said. Are the Muslims not racist as well? All of them don't want to stay near a black person unless for gain.To me it does not mean who is to take the lead provided you mind the word do on to others as you would like someone to do for you.I see black preacher all are after money they are competing with the moliticians even better that the polittician with poor people's money. most of these… Read more »

Turav Alpha Cygni
Turav Alpha Cygni

I AM… Atom and Energy


Awesome teaching!! The enemy's job is to deceive by holding back the truth. There have been and is so much hatetred for black people but the hate doesn't originate from people but from Satan. His goal is to keep people blind from the truth, the truth that God created man a little lower than the angels and crowned him with glory and honor and put all things under his feet. Psalms 8:5, Hebrews 2:7-9.

Dr. C. Dorsey
Dr. C. Dorsey

I have all three volumes of Apostle Price Race, Religion and Racism Books. And the entire series on CDs. It is an eye opening life changing series. I am also a minister of the Gospel. So I already knew that the Bible never support racism, but I learned a lot about The Karan and Muslims while reading The series and listening to the CDs. Incredible!

Ronald bessard
Ronald bessard

It proves that we as black were lied too then and we are being lied to now . I commend this pastor for teaching what most pastors won't talk about in fear of losing their white suporters.


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