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Cold Quasars: The Death of Galaxies with Dr. Allison Kirkpatrick

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Otger Fabre
Otger Fabre

Nice music choice for the intro!

Ryan Taylor
Ryan Taylor

Great questions

Ryan Taylor
Ryan Taylor

Future Robot Trump will be blamed for this Lol

Cmdr Karrde
Cmdr Karrde

Given all things we have an interest in observing seem to share the common characteristic of a life cycle, its easy to fantasize it happens to a galaxy too, and if we could see to universes, and to whatever the universe sits in that makes it look like an atom in a glass of water.. stars in a distant galaxy etc.. there seems to be some things in common throughout.

Event Horizon
Event Horizon

Like the video so we can become a quasar. Alternatively, would you fall into a black hole?


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