Explaining nation building based on the guidance of the Quran – G A Parwez, 1970
In this video
This lecture was delivered in 1970 and covers some important points based on the Quranic Values which are very much applicable in today’s environment. The main points of the lecture are the following:
1. Nations never achieve positive results in the long run through politics of agitation, chaos, and lawlessness. These may look attractive in the short term but in the long term the whole nation suffers.
2. The Quran guides to the slow process of acquiring Eimaan and then doing Saleh deeds which leads to putting together an effective core team to lead a nation.
3. The leaders need to first acquire education and training in the Quranic value system and then train their core team. This leads gradually to building a Jamaat which can then deliver the good for the nation as a whole.
The lecture has covered a number of aspects which require our profound reflection individually as well as collectively. Links to some other relevant videos are noted below:
The Law of Requital:

Eimaan and Saleh deeds:

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