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Former Christians Share Why They Left Religion

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I was raised Catholic. Didn't question it. Then in my 20's, I had a feeling it wasn't me. I secretly swore it off and stepped towards Paganism, the religion Catholicism and Christianity tried to devour and wipe from history. Right after I secretly converted, the whole bad priest thing emerged. I sighed in relief knowing I won't follow that. Bast now has my heart.


My conversion story is really boring. I grew up in a household that practically never talks about anything religious. We go to church for weddings and funerals and such but apart from maybe my sister I don't even know anybody who actively prays. And no, I don't live in some ultra-hip American city, Christianity actually IS the state religion where I live…which is why they tax for it. I left the church because I didn't even believe so why the hell was I paying for it?


I think there is someone up there… just no idea who and what is he/she/it does now… some thing even to science just don't seem to add up and things that should be 1/100000000 chance seem to all happen around the same time resulting in the creation of life on a planet that just happen to form in a way to support life. It just seems to me that someone at once point nudged or manipulated the results in their favor.

Toa Da Garde Kat
Toa Da Garde Kat

not getting weekly Catholic classes, already moderate ones too

always bored during mass

just had a hard time memorizing the info needed for confirmation

add a bit of entitlement, emotional disconnect, and constant curiousity that comes from being on the spectrum

can't forget illness, war, and politics

so I gained more belief in the achievements of humanity, a mindset of "screw destiny!", and a sharp edge, on the flipside, my powerful imagination makes me more fearful of anything that can bring humanity harm. Oh, and I'm more of a prick because I learned to hate everyone equally.

Flipping Chips
Flipping Chips

"I maybe an agnostic but I'm not sure."

-The definition of an agnostic


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