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From Galileo to Isaac Newton Featuring Paul Sutter

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I think that Bruno is a martyr for free thinking.  He may have had zero evidence for his ideas, but he did voice what so many people have thought over the ages – "we can't be the only life in the universe".  Whenever I look up at a starlit sky I often have the same thoughts, but no one will burn me at the stake today.  However, I also have to look up at that same sky and tell myself that blind faith is not enough – Earth could be unique – and the only way to be sure is… Read more »

David Rosner
David Rosner

In the mathematical work of Kepler, Galileo and Newton, we see the hand of God.

No Name
No Name

I find it hilarious how Paul Sutter's voice turns into Steve-O's when he's really passionate about what he's talking about in that particular moment.

Anthony C
Anthony C

Awesome! More JMG with PMS! Hold on wait that doesn't sound right. None the less, SWEET!

Event Horizon
Event Horizon

Happy Holidays and New Year from the Event Horizon team! Go check out Paul's channel and subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBr7XOxxQyBHEwqkhoci7vw
Paul Sutter's Book "Your Place in the Universe: Understanding Our Big, Messy Existence" : https://amzn.to/2A3tc2c


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