LIGHTAUTO NEXT [fvplayer src=""] George Carlin On Religion PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS A scientific defense of spiritual & religious faith | Tony Jack | TEDxCLE How much religion do we need? Parents take legal action against 'forcing' Christianity on children Jude, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist oder Christ: Finde deine Religion mit Michel Abdollahi! | Kulturjourna Nil Moliner – Mi Religión (Videoclip Oficial) Christentum erklärt | Eine Religion in (fast) fünf Minuten The Brain Creates Religion George Carlin On Religion George Carlin : Religion is Bull Reaction "The Pope is King of The Pedos" Jimmy On Religion | Jimmy Carr Dalai Lama on Buddhism not as a Religion, but as a spiritual guidence trough life (SRF Sternstunde) George Carlin On Religion Termite Login Require Subscribe Subscribed 11 3643 videos By Termite In this video 3 1 vote Rating Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Please login to comment 10 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments tony wilson R.I.P George Rommel Navarrette Lol waxing his carrot. That shyt got me. Shanna Rossi Just laugh at the state of Tennessee….lol Honor the MB drive a 2 door! Carlin was right about religion, totally man made bullshit riddled with agendas. God unites where religion divides. Hope Carlin found God and Jesus Christ. He sure did talk a lot of shit about God, so I doubt it. Trusted Member lovepotion(@lovepotion) Reply to Honor the MB drive a 2 door! 😂 « Previous 1 2 Advertisement
R.I.P George
Lol waxing his carrot. That shyt got me.
Just laugh at the state of Tennessee….lol
Carlin was right about religion, totally man made bullshit riddled with agendas. God unites where religion divides. Hope Carlin found God and Jesus Christ. He sure did talk a lot of shit about God, so I doubt it.