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George Floyd death | Tensions begin boiling over during Atlanta protests
Aerial views show a change in demeanor as police have some interactions with some protesters.
George Floyd death | Tensions begin boiling over during Atlanta protests
In this video
Aerial views show a change in demeanor as police have some interactions with some protesters.
I know that what happened to George Floyd is truly sad, but this situation is escalating way too fast. Innocent people who had NOTHING to do with this are getting their houses burned down, businesses who again had nothing to do with this are getting burned down. Innocent people are DYING. We should NOT BE AS BAD AS THAT POLICE OFFICER, CIVIL WAR IS NOT GONNA FIX SHIT, IT IS GOING TO MAKE THIS WORSE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO GET INVOLVED.
Can we put these people to sleep!
Yes I agree, it is wrong to destroy your own city, however I can understand it.