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Greenwood and the Tulsa Race Riots | BOSS: The Black Experience in Business | PBS
In the early 1900s, Greenwood was home to a thriving, independent “Black Wall Street” until the violence of the Tulsa Race Riots changed the community’s …
Greenwood and the Tulsa Race Riots | BOSS: The Black Experience in Business | PBS
In this video
In the early 1900s, Greenwood was home to a thriving, independent “Black Wall Street” until the violence of the Tulsa Race Riots changed the community’s …
Not a single building left I just saw a video online, of a black woman describing this massacre. And yet what's happening in May – June 2020 is still a lot less worse than what these white people did to these black americans.
Scott Ellisworth – It's not incident you stupid idiot, it a genocide…
This why ever black person need to buy a guns . No one will protect us so we must protect ourselves. We see if they really believe in the Second Amendment . When black start arming them selfs . The second amendment will be changed overnight . They don’t want us with guns . We know it and they know it .
Thats when blacks really love each other now for get it.