LIGHTAUTO NEXT [fvplayer src=""] Hope For Struggling Christians PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Should Christians Watch Movies Like Harry Potter? 3 Reasons Why Christianity is NOT the White Man's Religion (The REAL Black History!) Paul Washer – The Importance of Prayer for Christians Sadhu Chellappa speech on Christianity inside Ancient Indian Religious Scriptures Those Crazy Christians -Brad Paisley Is Christianity Slavery? Progressive Christianity IS The Antichrist System! Killing Religion, Reviving CHRISTianity | Spoken Word Slavoj Zizek – Political Christianity Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? Hope For Struggling Christians Termite Login Require Subscribe Subscribed 11 3641 videos By Termite Screenshots In this video 0 0 votes Rating Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Please login to comment 9 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments Jonathan Greene This video is really great. It really helps to give me hope. Joey Avila I turned my bible over to see that it is a NIV. I now feel like i dont believe in Jesus….my boss asked me today if i was being deceived Ron Fentress It's nice to hear from another that knows the struggle, over someone who just says I don't understand how a Christian can fail like that. Sky Bordage I needed to hear this message so bad, thank you Jesus!!!! God bless this church and God bless Jeff, glory to our redeemer!!!! « Previous 1 2 Advertisement
This video is really great. It really helps to give me hope.
I turned my bible over to see that it is a NIV. I now feel like i dont believe in Jesus….my boss asked me today if i was being deceived
It's nice to hear from another that knows the struggle, over someone who just says I don't understand how a Christian can fail like that.
I needed to hear this message so bad, thank you Jesus!!!! God bless this church and God bless Jeff, glory to our redeemer!!!!