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How Christianity Adopted Pagan Practices and Holidays – The False Church Deception Exposed

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Warp Biz
Warp Biz

I humbly agree.. the more I go back to the Jewish roots of my faith in Jesus Christ, the teachings in the Bible becomes more meaningful and in fact the more sensible. I’m self studying on Jewish celebrations right now.
I hope this is of no offense, but, whether they believe in Jesus or not, it doesn’t matter to me. I would still say, God bless Israel for the gift of Christ.

Master Blackthorne
Master Blackthorne

The truth is all denominations of Christianity contain Pagan elements to ease conversion. What hypocrisy!

Jeong Hun Kim
Jeong Hun Kim

Just follow what the bible says


It's sad how many people don't believe this historical fact! And because of these Catholic Church lies the Sunday church will be judged 1st…by The Most High Yah.. because they follow the traditions of Man and not of The Most High..

Deicidal Heathen
Deicidal Heathen

Wasn't Yahweh a Canaanite deity before the Israelites arrived? How can they claim it as their own when it was not….?


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