LIGHTAUTO NEXT [fvplayer src=""] How Creativity Works with Anson Mount and Branan Edgens PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS How Near Earth Objects Are Tracked Featuring Karen Meech New Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Detected From Deep Space Featuring Shriharsh Tendulkar Is Science Not Taking Enough Risks? With Avi Loeb Why The Universe May Be Full Of Alien Civilizations Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb Do We Live In An Infinite Universe? Featuring Paul Sutter The Geology of the Planets of the Solar System with Emily Lakdawalla What is the Future of Astronomy? Featuring Fraser Cain Are Alien Civilizations Sending Signals in Bacteria? with Dr. Robert Zubrin Is Climate Change a Fermi Paradox Great Filter? Featuring Adam Frank The Future: Drawing From Our Past with Townsends How Creativity Works with Anson Mount and Branan Edgens Termite Login Require Subscribe Subscribed 11 3641 videos By Termite In this video 0 0 votes Rating Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Please login to comment 10 Comments Inline Feedbacks View all comments Kurington Kuriton Creativity and progress are just climbing on dead bodies of those who had the same idea until one gets through. Vasi Marcelian man that last line ANNA said sounded like a threat, better watchout John Phynx - Victum Terra This deserves more views Randy Carvalho Love your channels. As far as interviews, I suggest reading up on the craft, especially open ended questions. Terry Gross from npr is a master of it. Aaron Townsdin Creativity + Faith = what!? The god within ourselves or the god that gave himself for us!?…there is something, here. « Previous 1 2 Advertisement
Creativity and progress are just climbing on dead bodies of those who had the same idea until one gets through.
man that last line ANNA said sounded like a threat, better watchout John
This deserves more views
Love your channels. As far as interviews, I suggest reading up on the craft, especially open ended questions. Terry Gross from npr is a master of it.
Creativity + Faith = what!? The god within ourselves or the god that gave himself for us!?…there is something, here.