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How Does SETI Search for Alien Civilizations? With Seth Shostak

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Would be good if you asked Jill Tarter to the show…

Clayton Amboy
Clayton Amboy

What is the song in the intro? Absolutely love this channel!! Please keep it up!

Mike Oxhuuj
Mike Oxhuuj

Before science can find life they need to define 'LIFE' is a particle waiting to be assembled either physically of biologically or chemically? What form will it take, How large/small is it? What will it need to sustain itself. We all know what life on earth needs to qualify it as a life form but it will not be like that elsewhere or will it? There is not a manual to define humane life so it has to be made up as we go along. If SETI recieved a signal of any kind it is likely to have been transmitted… Read more »

Karrigan Atkins
Karrigan Atkins

Not trying to diss Dr. Shostak, but I didn't really like how he was dissing Carl Sagan at around 39: 05. I am a huge fan of Dr. Shostak, I am amazed by the work he is doing. However, I do not think he can just dismiss Dr. Carl Sagan's idea's having to do with the novel contact and the film. I understand what Dr. Shostak was saying, but I do not think you can absolutely dismiss the ideas of the novel Contact. Just saying, he came off a little too sure of himself.

Event Horizon
Event Horizon

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