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How Messianic Judaism is different from Christianity – Joel Chernoff – theDove.us
Yahweh be praised, His son Yeshua has finally been embraced as such by His own people. Now He will come for his own, both gentile and Jew and he will graft us both unto His rootstock of the olive tree and we will all be brothers, all together sheep of one shepherd, one flock, as Yeshua promised. Baruch Haba b’shem Adonai. Welcome. Our hearts are yours. We are all one man now as Paul said we would be. Shalom, shalom, shalom.
The budding of the fig tree. Iron mixed with clay. You "Christian's" better wake up from your deception.
Can anyone attend a jewish synagogue?
What thinking messianic Jews about Fraternity between Christians and other Religions. Watch the Videos one after another at End of the Playlist. Christ is the King – true Men ( First Adam without Orginal Sin ) and the last Adam who bring his fruit to eternal live. ( The true wine ) Christ is the true God, of a being with the Heavenly Father.– Luke Chapter 24 Paragraph 52 – John Chapter 1 Paragraph 18 – John Chapter 20 Paragraph 28 – Colossians Chapter 2 Paragraph 9– 1. John Chapter 5 Paragraph 20 Listen on the Word of God in… Read more »