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Christianity's members or JW's members hate to be questioned /challenged about their doctrines. I do it all the time. The best way to know if your doctrines as a "Christian" are validated by the Holy Scriptures , you have to put your doctrines to the test. But f you don't like to be challenged with your doctrines then most likely you are a member of a cult. Cult leaders warn their members not to debate or discuss their doctrines with anybody else who might have more knowledge than them. Mr. James is not accurate with his criticism about JW"s doctrines.… Read more »
Did i hear correctly Mr. Greg Stafford say in minute 1:27:40 to 1:30 minute and on that it's ok to relatively worship "Jesus"????? please anybody else heard that?? Right there Mr. Greg Stafford representing the Watchtower Society or JW's. He agreed with the trinity doctrine but in his earliest statements he denied it. That's what a false prophet will do, it's to twist the Scriptures and agreed to unrighteousness. So the only difference on how JW's and Christianity about the trinity doctrine is that JW's worship Jesus but as a separate divine being. WOW WOW , i knew something was… Read more »
Did i hear correctly Mr. Greg Stafford say in minute 1:27:40 to 1:30 minute and on that it's ok to relatively worship "Jesus"????? please anybody else heard that?? Right there Mr. Greg Stafford representing the Watchtower Society or JW's. He agreed with the trinity doctrine but in his earliest statements he denied it. That's what a false prophet will do, it's to twist the Scriptures and agreed to unrighteousness. So the only difference on how JW's and Christianity about the trinity doctrine is that JW's worship Jesus but as a separate divine being. WOW WOW , i knew something was… Read more »
Did i hear correctly Mr. Greg Stafford say in minute 1:27:40 to 1:30 minute and on that it's ok to relatively worship "Jesus"????? please anybody else heard that?? Right there Mr. Greg Stafford representing the Watchtower Society or JW's. He agreed with the trinity doctrine but in his earliest statements he denied it. That's what a false prophet will do, it's to twist the Scriptures and agreed to unrighteousness. So the only difference on how JW's and Christianity about the trinity doctrine is that JW's worship Jesus but as a separate divine being. WOW WOW , i knew something was… Read more »
«For in Him lives all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.»
Colossians 2:9