A revelatory reframing of American leadership through the lens of the First Ladies. Starring Viola Davis as Michelle Obama, Michelle Pfeiffer as Betty Ford and Gillian Anderson as Eleanor Roosevelt, this series delves deep into the Ladies’ personal and...
In season two of RAISED BY WOLVES, Android partners Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim), along with their brood of six human children, join a newly formed atheistic colony in Kepler 22 b’s mysterious tropical zone. But navigating...
Yes @3 , it looks incredible and cant wait. Professor X, Wolverine and more Marvel characters are going to be reunited with the MCU in the film. Patrick Stuart will be playing Professor X apparently!!
I have only watched two episodes of the last season so I have some catching up to do, but glad there is a new season 😊 thanks for the share!