ALBERT Einstein was given a guided tour of a flying saucer after it crashed at Roswell, it has been claimed. The iconic physicist – famed for his E = mc2 formula on mass and energy – also got to see an alien autopsy, according to his former assistant. Famed physicist Albert Einstein was flown to see a flying saucer, […]
NHS England to offer breakthrough treatment for sickle cell disease Crizanlizumab is the first new therapy for 20 years for serious and lifelong health condition Sickle cell disease, a disorder of the blood, can cause excruciating pain and organ failure. Photograph: Hailshadow/Getty Images/iStockphoto Andrew Gregory Health editor Tue 5 Oct 2021 00.01 BST Thousands of […]
I have often considered the idea, yet I now realise I am stapled to this existence. Why we consider suicide as an option is in my opinion the very thing that makes us human. Our conscience denotes our supremacy of this world. Animals have shown us that we alone do not possess intelligence and free […]
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