This presentation is in Urdu and is also delivered in English. The slides are the same except that explanations are also provided in Urdu.
Links are also provided to some other talks in our forum of Tolu e Islam.
This session followed the main presentation. Few questions were asked to clarify some points related to the topic of Rehmat. Following was discussed:
1. How the Divine attribute of Rehman is manifested? Any examples?
2. What about those scientists and thinkers...
This presentation covers some details of the Quranic term Naima and its applications within the context of the system of Deen. Following aspects are included:
1. Root of In'aam
2. Path of those who ask for Naima
3. Naima in relation to...
This talk covers important aspects of human psyche related to holding on to beliefs which create idols and then continue living life with these beliefs which hamper the self's development. Following aspects are covered in this talk:
1. The Quran...
This presentation is on Allah's Fadl as a Divine Attribute. A number of verses are quoted and their meanings are explained to elaborate this aspect.
The scope of the presentation is noted below:
'This presentation will cover the Divine Attribute...
This short presentation covers the topics discussed in the last 12 months. Salient learning points are also noted at the end. Some verses are included which point to the process of acquiring Eimaan and then through Saleh deeds coming...