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Why 80% of Americans Live East of This Line
- October 16, 2022

Watch live: Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
- September 19, 2022

- September 11, 2022
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This is the full version of the recording of the presentation on the topic. many aspects have been covered in this talk and then further clarified through Question and Answer session. Following aspects have been covered: 1. Equality as a...
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This is a thought provoking talk by the speaker in which he explains the following: 1. Islam provides legal framework for all branches in law. 2. Theory of limits means that the Quran was revealed in fixed time but is valid...
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I gave this presentation on the subject which needs the attention of those parents who wish to provide guidance to their children from the Quran and are interested in the development of the self of their children. I make...
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This is a question and answer session following the presentation by the speaker. There are comments on the modern schooling and its limitations and strengths. Members have used their own experiences and share these here. It is agreed that...
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This talk covers a number of aspects of the life of the last messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) who received the final revelation from Allah (as a Nabi) and then passed it on to mankind as a Rasul of...
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This presentation provides perspective to the Permanent Values detailed in the Quran for the guidance of mankind. In order to understand the importance of these values it helps to understand the man-made systems and their values. It also helps...