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- September 11, 2022
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This video is the recording of the Question and Answer discussion after the presentation. Some important questions were asked and then discussed in fair amount of detail. These included the following points: 1. Explain the verse (3:185) where it is...
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This is Urdu Version of the talk initially given in English. It covers more details in terms of explanations of various verses and points noted in the previous talk. The Law of Mukafat e Amal works in the...
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Our death is a fact of life - we question it and try to find some plausible reason to justify its existence - various religions try to address it by providing various explanations which end up as our beliefs....
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This Question and Answer Session is related to the talk shared in the forum of Tolu e Islam on Sunday, 23rd May 2021. Some interesting and vibrant exchange of views took place and many aspects were discussed during this...
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This presentation covers some important aspects of Eimaan as detailed in the Quran. Eimaan means to acquire conviction through a process of acceptance based on evidence which is in turn based on the guidance of the Quran. An individual...
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This session was held at the end of the original presentation - link included at the end. Few questions were asked regarding the effect of Eimaan on the human psyche. The Quran has referred to Eimaan repeatedly and has...