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- September 11, 2022
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The is the Urdu Version of the original talk given in English. It is longer than the previous talk as includes more detailed explanation of some of the points. Death remains a mystery for many people in the world...
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This is the Urdu version of the English presentation. Eimaan as referred in the Quran is a process of acquiring conviction in the guidance of Wahi (the Revelation from Allah) with a view to acquire a new self (or...
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This presentation covers a very important subject which is referred in the Quran frequently and has an important role in the development of the human self. It is in a way linked to the creation of Adam on the...
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This session followed the presentation by Dr Ejaz Rasool on Eimaan and Aa'maal e Saleh. The main talk covered some of the verses related to this topic. The Quran has put great emphasis on these two aspects and...
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This presentation covers a number of aspects on the subject and leads to bring out the significance and need for the system of Deen. The Law of Requital as noted in the Quran (e.g. 45:22, 10:44, 46:19, 11:117) is...
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This session is related to the main presentation on this topic. The link to the main presentation is noted at the end. In this session few questions were asked and some comments were made about the rise and fall of...