This talk covers a number of aspects of the life of the last messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) who received the final revelation from Allah (as a Nabi) and then passed it on to mankind as a Rasul of...
This presentation provides perspective to the Permanent Values detailed in the Quran for the guidance of mankind. In order to understand the importance of these values it helps to understand the man-made systems and their values. It also helps...
This clip covers the Questions and Answers after the presentation on the topic of the Permanent Values. Few questions were raised and then discussed in some detail. Members also commented on the presentation as well as expressed their understanding...
This is the Urdu version of the talk which was given in English on 25th April 2021. This talk covers various aspects of the value system of man-made world as we witness around us.
This presentation provides perspective to the...
This presentation is bout the significance of the human self called Nafs in the Quran. The human self possesses certain potentials which need to be developed within the Permanent Values to get the maximum benefit in this life. When...
This presentation covers a number of aspects of the human self as noted in the Quran. The Quran puts forward an alternative system called Deen for the good of mankind. All that is required at fundamental level to plan,...