Parenting 2 – Scope of self development – how kids can acquire higher eminence – Dr. E. Rasool
In this video
This is a talk given in the Tolu-e-Islam forum on the need to understand the importance of educating, training and helping children to acquire a higher self to live a better life in this world and then being able to develop further in the life of the hereafter. This is the second talk in this series on Parenting – under the first talk delivered by Ms Nabila Haris, general parenting aspects were covered comprehensively. In this talk the main points of that talk were also shared. Following points are covered in this talk:
1. What are the limitations of the human intellect?
2. The world of today and its limitations – impact on the brought of children
3. What are the main attributes of human psyche?
4. Some permanent values related to the upbringing of children
5. Reference to two important events of human life – Death and the Life of the Hereafter
6. Some verses are quoted from the Quran to draw attention to the importance of the Law of Requital and its functioning in the human world.
There will be few more talks on this subject which will cover the following aspects:
1. How the Quran can become the focus of attention of children at an early stage?
2. What part of the Quran should they be taught in the Phase 1 of this process?
3. How to relate the Quranic values to the real life events of daily life?
4. How children can create a desire and need for the Quranic values and the system of Deen?
Parenting by Nabila Haris

Question and Answer Session with this Talk
