Peaceful Protests Saturday and Sunday in Tulsa
Peaceful Protests Saturday and Sunday in Tulsa.
Peaceful Protests Saturday and Sunday in Tulsa
In this video
Peaceful Protests Saturday and Sunday in Tulsa.
I read some protesters got run over
Issa trapppp!!!
Great job Tulsans. Show the country how to do it. Lead the way. Perfect day to do it.
as long is Antifa has no part i see no problem for a good peaceful protest but the minute Antifa shows we need to take point right away keep that stuff out of tulsa . people will be watching this protest .
Anyone know how I can get into communication with the protest organizer in the video named “Tykebrean Cheshier” or the rally co-host named “Sarvi Amjadi” , I would greatly appreciate it, if anyone can help me get into contact either of them! Please and thank you!