[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=VOxbDvmRYHE&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
Protests over George Floyd death escalate in Los Angeles
CNN’s Paul Vercammen describes the scene as protesters and police clash in Los Angeles. Protests have erupted in at least 30 US cities over the death of …
Protests over George Floyd death escalate in Los Angeles
In this video
CNN’s Paul Vercammen describes the scene as protesters and police clash in Los Angeles. Protests have erupted in at least 30 US cities over the death of …
If anything should be burnt is the news and media buildings and Hollywood the democrats are hustling the true black Americans protest the democrats also they have been the problem with racism they still are the kkk
Let remove the police and hire antifa run the country of USA China pay for all. Okay?
CNN said protesters have the right to burn kill anyone on their way?