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Race Riot Survivors
There are no longer any survivors of the Tulsa race riot of 1921. The last to die was 109 year old Otis Clark who passed away nearly five years ago. But long …
Race Riot Survivors
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There are no longer any survivors of the Tulsa race riot of 1921. The last to die was 109 year old Otis Clark who passed away nearly five years ago. But long …
they keep calling this a race riot,this was a masacre Obadian chapter 1:10 kjv,Period that hateful violent seed birthed by esau is still in the descendants of their father edom the nonmelonated so called whits man.
We have to stop letting white-supremacy control the narrative this was a race massacre genocide not a mere riot.
This is a false story. There are still survivors here in Tulsa