lets say this……each person has a different tolerance level……..some need to stay away period, some cant take even a sip, others can drink one a week and be OK, others maybe can have 2 a week or one a day…..myself I have 2 a year….I think we should judge ourselves and if you cant handle it then just quit…….
Susan Aponte
I did feel like it was a disease. I didn't drink, but did drugs, and I had a sister in the Lord told me about the 12 steps, and after practicing a few of the first 1 or 2, I did begin to come out of denial and saw I had wounds in my spirit because of growing up in a dysfunctional home. My mother nor father drank alcohol, but my mom was a classic enabler with her children, and also in general, and I became one too. I grew up with my mother telling me terrible things, like I… Read more »
Sheila Price
Thankyou for the conviction…I was on 4 grams of morphine/daily and 35 other drugs for the side effects (all prescription) for pain and a still small voice said STOP…I did and couldn't walk for 5 yrs and friends were doing a death watch over me.. When I stopped the morphine my Dr. quit me as a patient…No help with withdrawals but a great belief in Jesus enabled me to succeed…Since then I have had 2 beer daily and a few cig's (which taste awful) deceiving myself that it helped me in my lonliness and isolation….I now have another mountain to… Read more »
Servant of YAHUWAH
Yes indeed ALL Christians should drink alcohol !!! Christ taught us that drinking alcohol is good. To be a true Christian even requires it. Christ said in Luke 5:37-39 "And no man putteth new wine (grape juice) into old bottles (brittal leather animal skins) ; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish (from the stretching caused by the fermentation process) But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better." In parenthesis added to make sure you get what is being said. Any true Christian must drink wine, because it represents the blood of Christ. Christ said Joh 6:54 "Whoso eateth my flesh , and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at… Read more »
Mary Wiebe
There is no way Jesus drank alcoholic wine. The word wine is a generic term that refers to both alcoholic wine and GRAPE JUICE. The Bible talks about "the wine in the clusters" (Isaiah 65:8) obviously it's not alcoholic when it's in the clusters
lets say this……each person has a different tolerance level……..some need to stay away period, some cant take even a sip, others can drink one a week and be OK, others maybe can have 2 a week or one a day…..myself I have 2 a year….I think we should judge ourselves and if you cant handle it then just quit…….
I did feel like it was a disease. I didn't drink, but did drugs, and I had a sister in the Lord told me about the 12 steps, and after practicing a few of the first 1 or 2, I did begin to come out of denial and saw I had wounds in my spirit because of growing up in a dysfunctional home. My mother nor father drank alcohol, but my mom was a classic enabler with her children, and also in general, and I became one too. I grew up with my mother telling me terrible things, like I… Read more »
Thankyou for the conviction…I was on 4 grams of morphine/daily and 35 other drugs for the side effects (all prescription) for pain and a still small voice said STOP…I did and couldn't walk for 5 yrs and friends were doing a death watch over me.. When I stopped the morphine my Dr. quit me as a patient…No help with withdrawals but a great belief in Jesus enabled me to succeed…Since then I have had 2 beer daily and a few cig's (which taste awful) deceiving myself that it helped me in my lonliness and isolation….I now have another mountain to… Read more »
Yes indeed ALL Christians should drink alcohol !!! Christ taught us that drinking alcohol is good. To be a true Christian even requires it. Christ said in Luke 5:37-39 "And no man putteth new wine (grape juice) into old bottles (brittal leather animal skins) ; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish (from the stretching caused by the fermentation process) But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved. No man also having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better." In parenthesis added to make sure you get what is being said. Any true Christian must drink wine, because it represents the blood of Christ. Christ said Joh 6:54 "Whoso eateth my flesh , and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at… Read more »
There is no way Jesus drank alcoholic wine. The word wine is a generic term that refers to both alcoholic wine and GRAPE JUICE. The Bible talks about "the wine in the clusters" (Isaiah 65:8) obviously it's not alcoholic when it's in the clusters