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Should Christians Drink/Party In College?

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Johanna Stromberg
Johanna Stromberg

I have no problem drinking responsibility. However there is a big difference having one or two drinks over a period of time with some friends and getting drunk.

When you are in college, it is so easy to fall into that lifestyle. However based upon people I know, it is really easy for it to develop into an addiction and for people to rely upon alcohol in order to have fun.
I agree with everything you said here. Thanks for the video!!!

Cristina Richardson
Cristina Richardson

Hey guys. Really love all your videos. Although when you say that college kids should follow Jesus because if they don't they might die and go to hell.. isn't Really the way to do it. Although I understand the truth and point in this, the things u say will fill people with fear & they will Only follow Jesus as they're scared that in the case that they might tragically die, they will go to hell, rather than chosing to follow God because it's a personal choice and out of love. Please be wiser with your words as this could… Read more »

Trevin Collins
Trevin Collins

I have a question, was the wine that Jesus drank fermented, cause some say it wasn't fermented.

The Inheritance
The Inheritance

6:57 "Being careful" about drinking alcohol is akin to "being careful" about cuddling with someone and resisting sex.


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