Surah Ra’d- Verses 18 to 24 – Making Covenant with Allah – Ejaz Rasool – 8 May 2022 – Tolu e Islam
In this video
In this presentation details of the meaning of these verses (18 to 24) is covered of Surah Ra’d (Chapter 13) of the Quran. Some important aspects are discussed briefly. The links to previous talks are included at the end of this note.
The Quran puts forward an alternative view of the human life based on facts. In these verses the main point put forward by the Quran is that when we accept Eimaan through our choice we enter into an unwritten contract or covenant with Allah which includes the following:
1. We will follow the path defined by the Quran and make efforts to know as much about it as possible and will never give up. Giving up on the way means that we will lose all that we have done as our self will not develop to that level which can give us a meaningful life in the hereafter.
2. After acquiring Eimaan e.g. 2:177, we will start to do Saleh deeds which will help to understand the problems in the human world created by the man-made system. As a consequence of doing these deeds we will come to a point where we need to join those who are already on this path. Together we will enhance our understanding of the Quran and remove our cognitive dissonances. This will lead to the uniting of our hearts as noted in 3:103. Removal of differences is a must to get benefits from the education and training of the Quran as a Book of Guidance.
3. This will pave the way for spreading the message around to wider mankind and due to the change taking place within us we will explain to others that there is a better way to live life – this new life is to be organised within the Permanent Values of the Quran.
4. Gradually this will spread to the wider world and those who are unhappy with the man-made world will rationally come to the Quran.
5. Our job is to rationally understand the changes within our psyche as without knowing this we cannot explain to others with its true impact.
Please watch other talks presented by Tolu e Islam on various aspects of the Quranic teaching.
Links to other presentations:
Links to other relevant talks:
Verses 1 to 9:

Verses 10 to 13:

Verses 14 to 17:

Verses 25 to 29:

Meaning of Supplication i.e. Du’a:

Review of 20/21 – links to other talks in notes:

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