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Surah Ra’d – Verses 25 to 29: Contentment of Hearts – E Rasool-15 May 2022 Tolu e Islam
This talk covers the following points: 1. Fulfilling commitment to the cause of Allah 2. How Rizq is to be earned and distributed in the human world – It is in human hands. Allah functions through human beings. 3. What is contentment of hearts in relation to Jamaat e Momineen? It is to follow the […]
Surah Ra’d – Verses 25 to 29: Contentment of Hearts – E Rasool-15 May 2022 Tolu e Islam
In this video
This talk covers the following points:
1. Fulfilling commitment to the cause of Allah
2. How Rizq is to be earned and distributed in the human world – It is in human hands. Allah functions through human beings.
3. What is contentment of hearts in relation to Jamaat e Momineen? It is to follow the Quran – without following the Quran there can be no freedom from fear and grief.
Links to other videos:
Links to other presentations:
Verses 1 to 9:

Verses 10 to 13:

Verses 14 to 17:

Verses 25 to 29:

Meaning of Supplication i.e. Du’a:

Review of 20/21 – links to other talks in notes:

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