Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12) Verses 105 to 111 (End) – Ejaz Rasool, 3 April 2022, Tolu e Islam
In this video
This presentation concludes Surah Yusuf. The Quran has summed up a number of points towards the end of this Surah and some which are noted below:
1. Everything in the human world can be explained in the light of the Law of Requital and the Law of Respite. People need to reflect and reason and look for evidence. The human life has a purpose and it does not end with death. The model of the life of Yusuf is for each one of us and we as individuals can also become eligible for Allah’s help if we chose to follow it.
2. There is no ambiguity in the world – it is human mind which creates confusion by treading on the wrong path. The path of the Quran removes all kinds of dissonances from the human mind.
3. The Quran is the Wahi from Allah and has the required guidance which was sent through the last messenger of Allah. The path of the Quran is clearly signposted and if we wish, we can understand it clearly and easily. It is based on clear evidence and the signs are everywhere around us and within us.
4. Then Quran sums up by stating that it is for Momineen to take full advantage of its guidance. If they fulfil their responsibilities in this life by coming together then Allah’s help will become available to them.
Links to previous presentations:
Surah Yusuf Verses 1 to 7:

Surah Yusuf Verses 8 to 20:

Surah Yusuf Verses 21 to 35:

Surah Yusuf Verses 36 to 53:

Surah Yusuf Verses 54 to 62:

Surah Yusuf Verses 63 to 78:

Surah Yusuf Verses 79 to 92:

Surah Yusuf Verses 93 to 104:

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