Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12) – Verses 79 to 92 by Ejaz Rasool, 6 Mar 2022 – Tolu e Islam

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This presentation covers the following:
1. Yusuf refuses to send his real younger brother back as this is injustice. The younger brother will stay back in Egypt as the goblet was recovered from his sack of grain.
2. The half brothers hold a meeting to decide what to do next. The eldest brother tells them about the past when they dropped Yusuf in a well and told a lie to their father. They decide to go back and tell their father (Yaqub) about the incident over here.
3. They return home and inform their father about Binyamin being retained in Egypt. Yaqub gets upset but does not believe them. He tells them that they have made up the story – he says that the reality is something else. He categorically rejects that Binyamin has committed theft.
4. He reflects over the whole episode and comes to this conclusion that the Aziz in Egypt is likely to be Yusuf and hence he tells his sons to return to Egypt and find out the whereabouts of Binyamin and the eldest son who had decided to stay behind. Also to find out about Yusuf.
5. The sons return to Egypt and meet up with Yusuf. They now look for help as they do not have enough money to pay for the grain. Yusuf now tells them that who he is and his brothers are taken a back on this disclosure as they never expected him to become Aziz.
6. Yusuf forgives them and tells them to mend their ways so that they can help develop their selfs.

A lot is covered in this presentation which needs our careful attention and reflection.

Links to previous presentations:
Surah Yusuf Verses 1 to 7:


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Surah Yusuf Verses 8 to 20:


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Surah Yusuf Verses 21 to 35:


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Surah Yusuf Verses 36 to 53:


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Surah Yusuf Verses 54 to 62:


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Surah Yusuf Verses 63 to 78:


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Surah Yusuf Verses 93 to 104:


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The Meanings of the Quran, Volume 7 by G. A. Parwez

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