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TerryTopCat Purrsents Cameron McVey Part One
TerryTopCat has the pleasure of interviewing Cameron McVey formerly a member of the 80’s new wave, pop group, ‘Bim’; who super group, ‘Bros’, famously styled themselves on. Cameron went onto to become a famous photographer and director, finally finding his true passion as a music producer who is responsible for the success of music icon’s […]
TerryTopCat Purrsents Cameron McVey Part One
TerryTopCat has the pleasure of interviewing Cameron McVey formerly a member of the 80’s new wave, pop group, ‘Bim’; who super group, ‘Bros’, famously styled themselves on. Cameron went onto to become a famous photographer and director, finally finding his true passion as a music producer who is responsible for the success of music icon’s suchas Tricky, Portishead, All Saints and Neneh Cherry who he married. TerryTopCat was the cat with the cream as we enjoyed fantastic stories that Cameron was generous to share. The music guru TerryTopCat does it again.
Pictures included in this video by Mark-Anthony Abel, TerryTopCat and Cameron McVey.