[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=7yodTR-n1Ko&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
TerryTopCat Purrsents Eddy Armani.
Happy Weekend! 😁 TerryTopCat does it again, interviewing the charming Eddy Armani, stylist and PA to Super Star Tina Turner for almost 2 decades. He recounts some of his experiences with Ike and Tina Turner and the 80’s and 90’s music scene with Marilyn. This is not to be missed. ❤💯💥💥
TerryTopCat Purrsents Eddy Armani.
Happy Weekend! 😁
TerryTopCat does it again, interviewing the charming Eddy Armani, stylist and PA to Super Star Tina Turner for almost 2 decades. He recounts some of his experiences with Ike and Tina Turner and the 80’s and 90’s music scene with Marilyn. This is not to be missed. ❤💯💥💥