[fvplayer src="http://youtube.com/watch?v=UjCa9KvcR4w&autoplay=1&wmode=opaque&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=0"]
TerryTopCat Purrsents Nasrus
Thanks to Radio and TV presenter Andy Franklin for introducing TerryTopCat to the Poptastic Nasrus hailing from the United States. On a promotional tour of the UK we caught up with them to talk about their future plans, i.e next stops on the tour and how they came to become this fabulous duo called Nasrus. […]
TerryTopCat Purrsents Nasrus
Thanks to Radio and TV presenter Andy Franklin for introducing TerryTopCat to the Poptastic Nasrus hailing from the United States. On a promotional tour of the UK we caught up with them to talk about their future plans, i.e next stops on the tour and how they came to become this fabulous duo called Nasrus. We were happy to learn of their rich musical heritage having supported greats like the late DMX and work with producers like BabyFace. Enjoy their new single Neurotic Goddess by clicking on the video. Big thanks to Norm and Shawn for their infectios energy. TerryTopCat does it again for ClusterView.com
Very nice interview. I also remember these dudes growing up states side 😊
Brilliant interview once again by Terry! Nasrus are great! Get them on Clusterview! 😊