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TerryTopCat Purrsents Rachel Stamp
Check out the fifth instalment of our TerryTopCat Purrsents series where music guru TerryTopCat speaks to founding members of the decadent Glamrock band Rachel Stamp. David Ryder-Prangley and Will Crewdson talk about their influences; love of Prince, how the band formed and their experience of the music industry. They also talk about their solo projects […]
TerryTopCat Purrsents Rachel Stamp
Check out the fifth instalment of our TerryTopCat Purrsents series where music guru TerryTopCat speaks to founding members of the decadent Glamrock band Rachel Stamp. David Ryder-Prangley and Will Crewdson talk about their influences; love of Prince, how the band formed and their experience of the music industry. They also talk about their solo projects and upcoming show at the Garage May 26th where they’ll be supported by The Idol Dead.
Don’t miss these glamrock legends!
#clusterview.com @TerryTopCat @cluster.view