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The Christians and the Pagans – Dar Williams

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Still my number 1 Yule/Chistmas song

Lisa Dixon
Lisa Dixon

Happy Solstice! ☀️

Mom's World
Mom's World

I was pagan for most of my life. My mother gave me my first set of tarot cards when I was 10…I had been reading Linda Goodman like the 'bible' for as long as I can remember. As I became an adult in the early 90s when paganism became more recognized and organized…I was 'home'. I spent most of my adult life as a pagan…until…(I won't get preachy), but Jesus got a hold of me and I gave my life to Him January 5, 2011 at the age of 38. However, after being on 'the other side' for so long…I… Read more »


Amber called her uncle, said "We're up here for the holiday, Jane and I were having Solstice, now we need a place to stay." And her Christ-loving uncle watched his wife hang Mary on a tree, He watched his son hang candy canes all made with red dye number three. He told his niece, "It's Christmas Eve, I know our life is not your style," She said, "Christmas is like Solstice, and we miss you and its been awhile," So the Christians and the Pagans sat together at the table, Finding faith and common ground the best that they were… Read more »

blue Xenologer
blue Xenologer

This one's a Yule tradition. Thank you for uploading it. <3


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