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The Human Self and Allah – The Quranic Concept of God

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This short video introduces recently published book titled ‘The Human Self and Allah’ by Parwez. In it the concept of Allah is discussed with His attributes with a view to help understand the significance of this in relation to the development of the human self. By virtue of possessing a self, man needs guidance in order to make those choices which can assist him in living his life optimally. Since man possesses the freedom to choose, hence he has no inner guidance, and the Quran puts itself forward as an option to act as a guidance for man. The Quran is not a product of human intellect, and hence cannot be produced by man, can be understood by using intellect and reasoning with regards to its message. The Quran points to the universality of human physical death and recognises that this inevitable event generates fear and uncertainty in human life; and then presents the fact of the possibility of developing human self within the confines of the Quranic permanent values with a view to living a life of paradise in this life and also in the hereafter, in which there will be further evolutionary stages.
This book covers all these aspects and much more in terms of living this life at a higher level inviting us to reflect on the aspects of our accountability with a view to help develop our self. The book is available at cost price on Amazon and also at Islamicdawn.com.

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